For Emergency Responders


We share a common goal with emergency responders, and that is the safety of those who live and work along our pipeline systems. We are committed to providing you with the information and training you need to protect people and property in the event of a pipeline emergency. It's important for all emergency responders along our pipeline rights-of-way to:

  • Know where the pipelines are located in your community and who operates those pipelines. You can find this information for transmission pipelines on the National Pipeline Mapping System, which is published by the U.S. government. Public and emergency officials can apply for special access to the NPMS.   
  • Be aware of how to recognize a possible pipeline emergency and how to respond
  • Know what our company does to prepare for emergencies

Most importantly, you should understand how to handle a call from the public reporting a pipeline emergency and how we will work with local emergency responders in the unlikely event of a pipeline emergency. We encourage you to read our public awareness brochure, which will give you specific information pertaining to pipeline safety and your role as an emergency responder.

We also conducts regular emergency exercises with our local emergency response departments. Additionally, we work with other pipeline companies to host awareness meetings for emergency officials and others, and our Safe Community Program provides grants to emergency response organizations in our areas of operations for training and equipment. Contact us to find out more about our educational and training opportunities for emergency responders.

Maps, markers and other resources should never be used to find the exact location of a pipeline. Always call 811 before you dig.

Action Plans

Our Emergency Response Action Plans (ERAPs) are available to emergency response organizations in our counties of operations. The ERAPs provide information on how we will work with emergency responders during the initial stages of a pipeline incident.

To request access to the ERAP for your area please email

Requests for access will be reviewed within 10 business days.

If this is an emergency, please contact the toll free, 24 hour emergency number for your area.

Emergency Responder Education Program

Learn about pipeline emergency response
through our free online program.



View our assets in the U.S. and Canada.